- The objective of The Challenge is to propose solutions to support the restart of one of the following sectors:
- 1. Fashion and clothing
- 2. Tecnica per Smart Communities / Smart City
- 3. Furniture and design
4. Fairs and big events
To have some ideas to start from, after clicking on "Join the Challenge" you can download a file that contains the challenges that the above mentioned sectors are facing in this period.
Your solution will have to answer the following points:
• Il problema che vuoi risolvere con il tuo progetto;
- • La soluzione da te proposta spiegandone il processo di funzionamento;
- • I benefici economici e/o sociali della tua soluzione;
- • Lthe technology used for your solution;
- • La strategia che utilizzeresti per diffondere il tuo prodotto / servizio proposto.
You will need to upload your solution using the form that will appear on this page after you have registered for The Challenge.
By participating in The Challenge you declare that you accept the Privacy Policy, the Terms of Services , and the Restart Challenge Rules.
To participate in The Challenge you must register by clicking on "Join the Challenge" and send, through the appropriate form that will appear on the page, your own solution in PDF format within the 14 June 2020.
Solution format: presentation of up to 20 slides in PDF format.
Deadline: 14 June 2020
Participation: individual or team of maximum 4 people. If the participation takes place in a team, the upload must be done by only one of the members, indicating on the cover of the presentation the names and emails of the other participants.
All results will be communicated within 15 days of the end of The Challenge to the address used to upload the solution.
Will be selected 3 winning solutions for each sector, these will be sent to the respective target companies of the Open Innovation Lombardia network. If there are companies interested in implementing the solutions, the creators of the selected projects will be put in contact directly with the interested company for possible concrete developments and collaborations.
The winners will be announced during the Webinar event "#RESTARTLOMBARDIA" to be held on June 30, 2020. More information about the event will be communicated on the social channels of VGen and Open Innovation Lombardia.
FAQ – Quali aziende verranno contattate per visualizzare le soluzioni vincitrici?
Le aziende contattate saranno tutte quelle del network Open Innovation Lombardia ma non solo. Cercheremo di estendere le soluzioni al numero più ampio possibile di aziende in target. In particolare, per il settore moda verrano contattate circa 30 medie e grandi aziende della Regione Lombardia. Per il settore fiere e grandi eventi verranno contattati i 20 player principali del settore.
FAQ – Devo targettizzare la mia soluzione verso una tipologia di azienda in particolare?
Non vi è alcun vincolo di questo tipo, potrai indirizzare la tua soluzione verso startup, PMI o verso grandi aziende. Qualora risultassi tra i vincitori avremo molta cura nell’inviare la soluzione a realtà in target per la stessa.
For other information, doubts and clarifications, please send an email to help@vgen.it